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CULT 553 Spaces of Migration Select Term:
This course explores how migratory movements and attempts at their regulation produce space as well as scale, and reviews the theoretical constructs (such as transnationalism and translocalism) that account for the emergent spatialities of migrant connections. Topics to be covered include how migrants make place and negotiate home in their everyday lives, how experiences of localization vary among cities, how life in camps may differ from or resemble life in the city, how states undertake spatial strategies to deter migrant flows (including excision of territories, pushbacks of border-crossers and creation of ‘hotspots’), how migration routes come into being (including through smuggling networks), are governed and closed off only to be re-channeled elsewhere, and what moral geographies correspond to processes of migration by assigning social legitimacy to particular mobilities
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 10.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -