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VA 535 Documentary: Context and Practice I Select Term:
Since the mid-1800s, people have used still images (photography) and since 1890s, moving images and later sound (film) to represent reality as they perceive it and/or as they choose to represent it. The history of non-fiction film or documentary cinema, is a series of experimentations in the representation of reality. Since the beginning, with these experimentations, debates about ethical, aesthetic, political issues in representation have been unfolding. This course will offer a critical look at the historical development of non-fiction film forms and modes. We will cover documentary theories and criticism, and related issues including ethics and problematics of representation. Students will work on a series of short video exercises and write a series of short responses to the films and the readings. At the end of the semester, students are expected to submit a term paper and a proposal for a project to be implemented next semester.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 0.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite :