- Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender Roles (GEARING-Roles), Science with and for Society, funding: Horizon 2020, 2018- 2022, Ayşe Gül Altınay / Zeynep Gülru Göker.
- Cins Adımlar Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Hafıza Yürüyüşleri Programı, SU Internal Research Grant, 2018- 2019, Ayşe Gül Altınay.
- Youtube #senkimsin Social Awareness Project, 2016, Ayşe Betül Çelik.
- Gender Forum, SU Internal Research Grant, 2015, Sibel Irzık.
- Women’s Understanding of the Gendered Aspects of Conflict and Peace Process: From “Victimhood” to “Agency", Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Chrest Foundation, 2015, Ayşe Betül Çelik.
- Gendered Approach to Peace Process and Reconciliation, funding: TÜBİTAK 2219, 2014, Ayşe Betül Çelik.
- History in the Present: Remembering Women, Coming to Terms with Past Violence, Reimagining the Future, Bridging Divides, funding: Chrest Foundation, 2014, Ayşe Gül Altınay.
- Beyond Europeanization: An Anthropological Inquiry into the (Re)regulation of the Migration and Refugee Regime in Turkey”, TÜBA, 2011-2014, Ayşe Parla.
- Imagining Peace: Perceptions of Women Members of Parliament on the Kurdish Question in Turkey, International Peace Research Foundation, 2011-2012, Ayşe Betül Çelik
- Sustainable Peace Building, European Union 7. Framework Program Marie Curie ITN, 2010-2014, Ayşe Betül Çelik.
- Adult and Non Formal Education for the Support of Reconciliation Process between Armenia & Turkey, DVV International, 2009-2010, Leyla Neyzi.
- A New Re-integration Model Based on Employment, Lodgement and Legalization Processes of Irregular Emigrants from Bulgaria to Turkey post-1990, TÜBİTAK Career Program, 2009-2012, Ayşe Parla.
- United Nations Gender Studies Project, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2007-2009, Hülya Adak.
- Forms of Organization Among New Migrants: A comparative Analysis of Bulgarian Turks, Iraqi Turkmens and Moldavians in Turkey, TÜBİTAK Research Program, 2006-2008, Ayşe Parla.
- Redefining “Women’s Place” in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia: The Case of KAMER, TÜBİTAK, 2006-2009, Ayşe Gül Altınay.
- Return of the Internally Displaced Kurds and Reconstruction of the Post-Conflict Zones”, Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc), 2006, Ayşe Betül Çelik.